
What will we cover at SF Clinical Camp?

We will talk about a number of subjects relevant to the world of clinical psychology.

– Freud’s two models of the mind.

– Instinct theory and how Freud was influenced by Evolutionary theory.

– How these models might be seen in everyday life


– Subjectivity – what is it, how we experience ourselves  and others

– subjectivity and objectification.

– Psychological defenses – what are they, how do they function, and how they impact our subjective sense of self and others.

– Developmental Psychology – including the ongoing development of everyone in the family.

– The impact of cultural events, immigration, normal life events on the individual and the family.

– Culture

– how it gets represented internally

– Social Constructivism – how we all form society

– Cultural norms/taboos

– Attachment Theory

– How attachment style impact anxiety management

– How attachment style impacts how you experience the world in some fundamental ways.


-D.W. Winnicott

– An overview of Winnicott’s theory of early mother-infant attachment and how the earliest relationship is kept in mind.

– The psychological birth of the infant (different than the physical birth) and the emergence into a separate being.


– A look at Facebook from a psychoanalytic perspective


Advanced Clinical Camp – NEW THIS YEAR!

Advanced Clinical Camp will build upon the work of SF Clinical Camp.  It is appropriate for graduates of SF Clinical Camp, or perhaps very advanced students (remember, we are using graduate school-level concepts.  We will do a brief review of overall concepts like defenses, subjectivity and objectification and the impact of culture.  Campers will read brief but sophisticated articles, and these readings will inform some of our discussions.

We will be applying concepts covered in Clinical Camp  to books/movies/TV shows from popular media and co-constructed vignettes. Material will build on the first camp and will deepen campers understanding of some of the basic tenets of psychodynamic theory (such as the importance of early experience in the conceptualization of self and other).   We will also focus more on clinical phenomena like the transference/countertransference (unconscious) dynamics which both inform and impede the clinical interaction (as well as influencing how we see others in our daily life!).

Working from a frame influenced by a post-modern understanding that we ultimately cannot ‘know’ reality, campers will come to appreciate the richness of shared experience.  The pace of this camp will be a little slower as we look more at these concepts in more depth. We are very excited to offer this Advanced Clinical Camp.  We welcome your questions.  Please feel free to email or call us.

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